How to make money
in cyprus

How I Make Money Working from Home In Cyprus

The global economic melt down is having a dreadful effect on the general public. Cyprus is no exception.

Finding work anywhere is more difficult by the day.

We have been living in Cyprus for 5 years. We are seeing the depressing effect the EU crisis is having on local cypriots and expats here.

More people are losing their jobs. Other ways to make money in Cyprus can be very difficult to find.

I feel very lucky that I found a way to earn a monthly income.


By building an online business, which happens to be thiss website about Cyprus.

It would not be successful if I had not learned how to build it the right way and be taught how to earn money online from my website.

Best of all, I can work from anywhere I choose. Be it on holiday or if we move somewhere else. I have so much freedom with having my website business. All I need is my laptop and an internet connection.

I am my own boss, doing what I love and earning a growing monthly income online. Best thing is... there is no upper limit to how much is possible to earn online.



Search the internet for make money online and you will get millions of sites telling you how to get rich quick online.

it is very easy to get sucked in by fantastically written hype, designed to convince us that we can Get Rich Quick! At a price of course with no results.

There is no hype here.

I am a real person, orginally from Northern Ireland, who lives in Larnaca Cyprus with my Glaswegian Husband! Ooch I!

There is no easy way to make money fast. Full Stop!!

What I want to do is share my experience, give you a possible earning option to think about and an opportunity to enjoy what your doing. I'm just paying it forward from me to you.

I'm sure the first question your asking yourself is...

How does she make money online from her website?.

My first priority is to add valuable informative pages for my visitors.

Secondly income, by advertising holidays, hotels, car rental, books, travel insurance etc.

Each company I advertise on my site pays a percentage commission to me when a visitor clicks or buys their product or service.

I also sell advertising space on my site. and place google ads on the site.

Most importantly, I had to learn how to build a successful online e-business website and Site Build It taught me everything.

And if your asking yourself... can I make a living from home?

Absolutely, it takes time but it is very do-able.

And the best part is you can enjoy doing it because, like me, you would be building a business about something you enjoy. It could be a hobby, work experience, passion for writing, art, travel etc.

If you can't think of anything to base a site on, Site Build it will help you find your new business

I can truly say I love my job and I have all the help, support and tools and friendly forum to help me do it properly.

You can Make Money Online - You just need the know how!

Whatever your life experience, hobby, interest or passion is, you can build an online business and turn your passion into substantial unlimited income over time.

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There are an extimated 1.3 billion people who use the internet. These people are looking for information, like you are right now. I am providing the information which people like yourself are looking for.

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They offer the Potential to change how you think about building an online business and how to make money the right way.

Choose from Work at Home Moms Master Course, Make Your Content Presell or Make Your Words Sell. Download all of them if you like.

And there's more...

There are many others who have used their passion or hobby to start an online business and make money from it.

Read this great example of earning potential from a retiree.

One 67 year old lady is now earning $1000 dollars a month from her website. Her new goal is to achieve $2000 a month before the end of this year. Read these Proof of Success stories.

Whether your a student, stay at home mom, employed or retired you can do this. And...

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I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with information... I just want to share with you how it is possible to earn a living online with all the support you will ever need and enjoy building your own online business.

If you have some questions about Solo Build It, just ask a friendly SBI expert

I really hope you found this make money online page helpful.

I wish you future success in your life.

Maybe I'll meet you in the helpful SBI community forum, facebook or a twitter

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Best wishes, Catherine

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