Learning Greek Numbers
Easy as...

One Two Three - Ena, Dio, Tria… Well Almost!

Greek numbers, learn the easy way. The best way I have found to learn them, is just to focus on just a few at a time. Practice as much as possible.

When you feel confident that you know the first few, learn a few more. Just treat it like learning the alphabet, one step at a time. Or as they say in Cyprus - Seega, Seega, which is greek for - slowly, slowly.

I have included a video so you can hear how they are pronounced and you can learn how to say them.

Side Note. The D - Δ in Dio – meaning two, is pronounced th as in mother

Learning to speak greek can be easy if you make it fun

Greek Numbers Ena-Deka, 1-10
1 = Ena 2 = Dio 3 = Tria 4 = Tessera 5 = Pente
6 = Exi 7 = Efta 8 = Okto 9 = Enia 10 = Deka

Endeka-Ikossi, 11-20
11 = Endeka 12 = Dodeka 13 = Deka Tria 14 = Deka Tessera 15 = Deka Pente
16 = Deka Exi 17 = Deka Efta 18 = Deka Okto 19 = Deka Enia 20 = Ikosi

You may notice, the greek number for 10 is Deka and the greek numbers for 1 – 9 follow Deka.

It’s similar once you get passed 20 – Ikosi. So 21 is Ikosi+ena 31, 41 and so on.

It is basically the same system as English numerals. The single figures are from 1-9.

Below is a list of the greek numbers for 30, 40, 50 and so on.

Remember that all you need to add for 31-39, 41-49, 51-59 and upwards, is the single numerals.

Trianda to Eneninda 30-90
30 = Trianda 40 = Saranda 50 = Peninda 60 = Exinda
70 = Evdominda 80 = Ogdonda 90 = Eneninda

Watch and listen to this helpful Video

Numbers 100-1000 - endeka to 100 - Ekato
100 = Ekato 200 = Diakosia 300 = Triakosia 400 = Tetrakosia
500 = Pendakosia 600 = Exakosia 700 = Eftakosia 800 = Oktakosia 900 = Eniakosia 1,000 = Chilia

I hope you find the above helps you with your learning.

If you haven’t already done so, take a look at the greek alphabet page or learn some phrases here.

If you don’t know which greek books will best suit your needs, here are my favourites for a beginner. A few have CDs included which are handy to carry around with you. I play them in the car and at home.

You can learn faster if you make it fun. Enjoy!

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